Life-Threatening Injuries?
- Is the victim having difficulty breathing?
- Is the victim breathing?
- Is the victim bleeding profusely?
- Is the victim conscious?
- Does the victim have a pulse?
Immediate Actions:
- Call 911 and give exact location of victim.
- Call Security at 6363
- Contact Jennifer Gile (6442)
Non-Life-Threatening Injuries?
- Minor cuts
- Minor burns
Other potentially serious conditions:
- Inhalation of noxious gas or fumes.
- "Major" burn: more than reddening of skin
- Hazardous solid substance on skin.
- Hazardous liquid substance on skin.
- Electric shock
- Solid or liquid in eye.
Immediate Actions:
- Evacuate room or area.
- Check for victims of exposure.
Secondary Actions:
- Contain spill, if possible, with appropriate spill kit.
- Notify CHO and Lab Supervisor.
Immediate Actions:
- Evacuate room/area.
- Contact supervisor and CHO.
Secondary Actions:
- Locate SDS for substance.
FIRE, small
Immediate Actions:
- Evacuate room.
- Extinguish, if possible, with correct extinguisher.
FIRE, large
Immediate Actions:
- Evacuate room/area/building.
- Sound fire alarm.
- Call 911, with exact location.
Secondary Actions:
- Account for personnel outside building.
Jennifer Gile
Coordinator of Chemistry Labs
Chemical Hygiene Officer
Science Hall 245C
(937) 327-6442